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How would we describe this podcast? Well, we have thru-hikers interviewing other thru-hikers, about thru-hiking, while they thru-hike… Time to meet the crew making the magic – formal introductions to our 2017 correspondent team.
I recently got your podcast and really enjoy listening to the shows everyday when I take a long walk. It is really entertaining and allows me to feel connected. Thanks so much for the show.
Was wondering if you are still doing the podcast. It’s probably my favorite thing to listen to as I renovate my house. Hope more are on there way
Any episodes coming soon? Love the podcast and it’s been ages! Hope all is well!
We really like your Podcast. It occupies a relatively unique niche by being genuine and raw. You have tapped into something with this-don’t waste your time trying to polish it-just please give us more.
Really hoping that you are still doing this podcast! It’s my favorite. Would love to listen during my jmt hike in July!
I love this podcast. Where did it go? You did a great job setting up the season and then it disappeared.
I just heard the theme of an old TV western that your listeners might like:
Cheyenne, Cheyenne where will you be camping tonight?
Lonely man, Cheyenne, will your heart stay free and light?
Dream Cheyenne of a girl you may never love
Move along, Cheyenne like the restless cloud up above.
The wind that blows, that comes and goes, has been your only home.
But will the wild wind one day cease and you’ll no longer roam.
Move along, Cheyenne next pasture’s always so green.
Driftin’ on, Cheyenne don’t forget the things you have seen,
And when you will settle down, where will it be, Cheyenne?
Please please come back! This is an amazing podcast. I agree with others- its raw and refreshing. I have re-listened to all seasons again and hoping a new one will come up. It is what keeps me going when I sit at the computer on my day job. Come back =)
Please keep up the great work! I love your podcast and all the hiking characters that contribute. You are all an inspiration to me as I work my desk job and daydream (and plan) my future JMT hike. Thanks for everything
Where are you? If no podcast, please at least provide an update on what’s going on. Hoping everything is OK. You have many fans that look forward to every new episode and we’re all currently in the dark.
Like the others have said, this is one of my favorite podcasts. I hope that everything is going okay for you and you are just taking your time sorting through an abundance of material that will supply us with tons of new episodes in the near future
I don’t care if there are no more podcasts coming in the future (OK that’s not true I do care
) but please let us know you are OK 
Gizo, at least let everyone know you’re okay. Sure miss your Podcast…daily commute sucks now.
Missing the podcast like crazy!
Gizmo, miss you and your wonderful podcast. I hope that all is well!
Is it?
If not, I can send a care package.
There’s no other hiking podcast like yours gizmo! You have loads of fans out there that would love an update! Even just a short statement on your site if you aren’t doing the podcast anymore
Come back! Hope all is well
I have a bad feeling.
Love this podcast and hope it returns in glorious fashion. If any help is needed with work on it I am sure there are tons of fans that would be willing to donate a little time for it. Hope all is well Gizmo!
Just checked her instagram and she last posted a few days ago – so she seems to be alive! Hoping everything else is ok. I just fell in love with this podcast and was pretty sad to see there were no new episodes posted in the last few months.
Just discovered this podcast and love it. Then I realized the lack of recent episodes and have an empty feeling. And so here I am on the website trying to figure out what happened. Glad your alive Gizmo. Hope all is well and that more podcasts will come. Wishing you all the best!
Miss the show also… I listened to your podcasts while driving home on long drives late at night in the winter. It encouraged me to try my own thru hike for two weeks. Just got home and want to say thank you.
Where did the show go after April 2017 announcement of new commentators – simply vanished. If there are multiple sponsors, why no show? Can the sponsors find somebody else please to do it if the previous crew is tied up? They couldn’t have all vanished at once. Thanks.
Sad that this podcast disappeared. It would have been very interesting to hear the PCT correspondent’s/hiker’s observations with everything happening on that trail this year.
I Feel bad for the hikers that agreed to do all the audio journals and interviews for thousands of miles and not see the fruits of their labors. I’m sad it’s gone. It was a very good podcast.
This was a cool podcast please come back.
One of my favorite podcasts! I hope all is ok Gizmo and hikers!
What the heck happened? I binge listened only to find out there are no new episodes????
Gizmo, I hope you are ok. I really miss the podcast. Would just like to know what has happened with it.
We are missing your podcast here in my home. If you need help keeping it going, let me know, I would love to help out. This is one of my favorite things and it gets me through the winter months. Please come back.
Sending good thoughts your way. For ever reason the show is no more I hope everyone is ok both physically and mentally. It truly was an amazing podcast that brought myself and many other much joy, entertainment and encouragement. Thank you, thank you.
She just dropped it. No notice. No goodbye. No nothing.
Gizmo had meet Lint on trail last summer.. this is why there is no more podcast
Lint? What does that mean?
Hello! First let me say, I love this podcast. As someone who loves hiking, but is currently stuck in Nebraska for school, this podcast brings me a lot of joy. Which speaking of school, I am currently doing a project on the language and community of thru-hikers. I’d love some input from the contributors of Sounds of the Trail or from fellow listeners on what you think our language is and how it differs from the way we talk to those who aren’t on the trail.
If y’all would like you can either comment or feel free to email me at kate23rt@gmail.com. I really look forward to hearing from you!
I miss this. I hope someone picks up the torch and get on the trail
If you’re here wondering what happened to the show, or if Gizmo is alive, fear not. Today is Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2018. I was able to track “Hey Gorl” down, and she told me the following… Gizmo is alive. “Shes an awesome person who gave time to her personal life last year, she bought a house, started a new job etc.”Weare working on producing a few more episodes from lots of old audio last year.” Thats literally all I have.
Awesome, I hope they do come back. Just in case they see this, I’ve really missed this podcast and I have yet to find another one that has the amount of heart and soul that this one does. From the intro songs to the quality of the correspondents and of course Gizmo’s passionate delivery. Looking forward to more episodes
gizmo is busy working night time as an escort in Las Vegas. she need to work hard to be able to sustain her crystal meth addiction
good luck girl
Heard that Gizmo had been kidnapped and detained..the ransom must be paid asap…please flush your cash donation into your toilets to help her out. Thank you
I heard that Gizmo was one of the people who went out to join ISIS. From what I’ve read she’s their lead videographer, and is one of the many wives of Thaluk Jin Balaso. All hope is lost, let it be.
Gizmo has decided mid-hike that she wanted to follow her dream of basketweaving instead. She can be found near the Chilean border together with her trusty goat James.
Gizmo has decided to go to Mars with Elon Musk. They’re going to populate mars with the first human martians together. Wish them luck!
I finished listening to the last episode.
It ends like this? Presentation of new correspondents for the 2017 season and no follow-up? What happened? No follow-up since, why we have no details? It’s strange…
Feels like a complete lack of respect for the people who listened to the podcast.
The minimum would have been to say that the podcast is in pause mode for an indefinite period.
The last episode was April 18, 2017 and it is December 25, 2020 !!!
No comment, no developments since the last episode nothing. Very disappointing.
Hi, Melanie,
Agreed, it is frustrating that the wonderful show ended so suddenly. Like you, I was left wondering what happened. I am grateful for all the shows and hard work that Gizmo and others expended; I am sad that there was not any sign-off or explanation. It wouldn’t have taken much to say farewell to the fans.
Well, even jilted lovers are not legally required to give reasons for leaving, and we can’t force the producers to sit for a deposition. Yes, questions are buzzing like Sierra mosquitoes around our heads. All we can do is hope that we eventually hear what happened and that Gizmo or Hey Girl return to producing the fantastic show. We miss them.
–Big Tipper
For folks wondering, Gizmo still has an active insta listed on the About Us page. She’s okay but yeah sad the show ended so abruptly https://instagram.com/oneofmanycircles